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CRAFT method Robert Meyers


Supporting Concerned Loved Ones


Welcome to CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training), where we understand the challenges faced by concerned loved ones of individuals struggling with addiction. We are here to provide personalized support and guidance, helping you navigate this difficult journey and find the strength to support your loved one while prioritizing your own well-being.


At CRAFT, Maya Baranova, a certified CRAFT coach and facilitator of SMART Recovery support groups, is committed to offering compassionate assistance tailored to your unique situation. Maya's approach is grounded in empathy, positive reinforcement, and effective communication, recognizing the complex nature of addiction and its impact on families.


Through Maya's CRAFT coaching services, you will gain the tools and strategies needed to support your loved one's recovery while maintaining your own emotional well-being. Maya will work with you on an individual basis, providing guidance and empowering you to develop skills that foster healthy communication and boundaries. By focusing on evidence-based practices, Maya ensures that her guidance is backed by the latest research and expertise.


In addition to CRAFT coaching, Maya also facilitates SMART Recovery support groups, where you can find comfort, understanding, and a community of individuals facing similar challenges. These groups provide a safe space for sharing experiences, receiving guidance, and developing effective coping strategies. By participating in these support groups, you will discover the power of community and gain invaluable insights from others on the same journey.

Maya's commitment to your well-being and her extensive knowledge of addiction and recovery make her an invaluable resource. By working with Maya, you will not only find the support you need but also gain a deeper understanding of addiction and the tools to help your loved one achieve lasting recovery.


If you are a concerned loved one suffering from the effects of a loved one's addiction, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Maya. Together, we will embark on a transformative journey, empowering you to find hope, healing, and effective strategies to support your loved one while caring for yourself along the way. Take the first step towards a brighter future by reaching out to Maya Baranova and CRAFT today.

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